I'm not sure I can write anything worthy enough of "my first official blog post evah!" I decided to start a blog because I couldn't find any blogs that were about moms of kids who couldn't eat dairy. That might just be because I don't know how to search for blogs, though. So, if you have one, please let me know! You might know something I don't. ;-) Anyway, I found lots of blogs about gluten-free diets, kids that can't have peanuts, etc. But, none about dairy free, so here I am.
I'm the mom of two adorable kiddos (I may be biased) who haven't been able to consume dairy since they were wee little babies. We discovered that my son, the Bug, couldn't have dairy at his bris. He happened to have a lot of formula that day b/c mom was busy. The mohel, a wonderful man who is great with babies, informed us that our son was gassy and instructed us on some wonderful positions to help alleviate his pain ... from gas, not the circumcision. Three weeks later he was diagnosed with "colic" and I decided to try some soy formula that I received in the mail. Low and behold, my child was cured! I tried eliminating milk from my diet, but a new diet and new super-fussy-colicky-baby were just to much for me to handle. By 6 weeks he was on soy formula 100% and by 8 weeks he was one happy camper.
With my daughter, BooBoo, I was in major denial. She started with the fussing around 3 weeks old and I just couldn't believe that I could have two kids with dairy problems. It took me 3 weeks to wise up and cut dairy out of my diet. It was much easier the second time around, as my house was already stocked full of dairy free items for the Bug. And, I have to say, the dairy free diet sure did help melt off the baby weight.
We still really have no idea why our kids have milk protein enterocolitis. My theory is that DH and I probably had it when we were kids. I know it runs rampant on both sides of the family. All I had to do was go to one bar mitzvah on my husband's side to learn about all of the family members who couldn't eat dairy and were colicky infants (what the heck did I marry into?!). Hubby and I, if you listen to our moms', were both fussy infants up to 1 year old. So, I can only deduce that we had problems with dairy as well.
Our kids are 3 and 1 now, with no indication that their intolerance is improving. I breast fed BooBoo for 13 months without consuming dairy and am happy to say I am back on the (cheese) sauce again. This can make for some interesting meals with Miss BooBoo-I-Want-to-Eat-What-Mommy-is-Eating Baby. I try to offer alternatives, but as anyone who has ever consumed soy cheese knows, that stuff is just not the same.
That about sums it up, look forward to some interesting times in dairy-free land.
Edit: I figured out how to search blogs! And, I found some on dairy allergies. Still not as many that cover gluten free diets, so maybe there is a need for my blog after all?!
Welcome to blogging! There are dairy-free bloggers out there--you just have to find us! ;)